Seo Website Analysis

On-site Analysis

seo metadata

robots file

Keywords in the title Tag

The page title appears in the SERPs, so make them concise and relevant.
Words found in the title tag are also in the page itself.

Keywords in the Page URL

Keywords in a page URL are useful.

Keywords in the Page Copy

Target up to three keywords per page.

Keyword Proximity

Keyword proximity refers to how close two or more keywords are to each other in page

Good Example: We sell green iPods at a discounted rate.
Bad Example: We sell discounted iPods in various colors including white, green and

Keyword Prominence

The earlier your keywords are found within the physical HTML file, the better.

Keywords in the Link Anchor Text

All links should contain relevant keywords in the link anchor text.

Keywords in outbound links

Using keywords in outbound links is a good idea.

H1 Tags

H1s are important for users but not necessarily for search engines anymore.

Alt text with Images

All images should have alt text on all publicly accessible pages.

W3C Validation Report

W3C Validation Service examines the html coding for errors. The W3C reads each line of code, then renders a report. HTML validation should be conducted for better search engine crawling.

XML Sitemap

XML sitemap helps search engines to analyze websites better.

Heat Maps

Heat maps are places on your website where users mostly click or hover their mouse.
Once knowing their location you can reorder your important information or even reorder your ads.

Of-site Analysis

Domain Info

Search engines factor domain "stability" when looking at a website. So, it's better for a website to be registered for a long time.

Age of Website

The age of a website is one of the major factors used to rank a website.

Usually Google waits some months before giving a [[[PageRank]] to a website. This is called the sandbox effect.

Registering your domain for a longer period of time gives an indication that your site intends to be around for a long time, and isn't going to just disappear after a few months. This will help boost your score with regards to your domain's age.

Two things that are considered in the age of a domain name are:

  • The age of the website
  • The length of time a domain has been registered

To check the age of your domain you can use the following websites:

Google Page Rank

Ranking by Google.

Indexed Pages

The approximate number of pages on a website that have been stored in the Google index. The Google web crawler will visit the website periodically and look for new content for its index. Generally, the more pages your site has within the Google cache, the better.

Backlinks Information

One of the most important measures for a website is how many other sites link to it. The more links the better. Having links to your website from authoritative resources on the Internet helps you rank higher in search engines since these links are an indication that your website is trustworthy and contains good content. More details in SEO - Link Building.

Traffic Rank

Alexa is an online service that measures traffic for millions of sites on the Internet.

Social Media Sites

  • Delicious Bookmarks: Delicious is a web-based bookmarking site. Delicious users save their bookmarks on the website so they can access them from any browser. A website that has many users bookmarking it is generally popular and will get more traffic.
  • Digg: Digg is a social media site where anyone can submit articles, and viewers can vote for articles they like.

Web Browser Compatibility

You have to test how your website appears in different browsers. Test your website at different screen resolutions. Ideally, they should all render gracefully, regardless of the resolution.

Helpful Websites


Websites that offer free seo website analysis

seo scores

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