Exceptions Classes And Inheritance

Exceptions and member functions

  • Exceptions are useful in member functions.

Example: Overloaded [] operator. However, value nIndex should be a valid array index and this is not checked.

int IntArray::operator[](const int nIndex)
    return m_nData[nIndex];

With the use of an exception: Now, if the user passes in an invalid exception, operator[] will throw an int exception.

int IntArray::operator[](const int nIndex)
    if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= GetLength())
        throw nIndex;
    return m_nData[nIndex];


  • When constructors fail, it cannot return a value.
  • You could simply throw an exception to indicate the object failed to create.

Exception class

  • An exception class is just a normal class that is designed specifically to be thrown as an exception.
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